英语 Department

Knox 大学咨询 Experience

Knox 英语 classes give students the opportunity to read widely, 思考, and communicate clearly. In every 英语 classroom, you will find our students actively engaged in writing responses to a text, 同时也会积极地讨论他们所阅读的文学元素和个人联系的细微差别. It is here that students learn how to listen respectfully to different opinions, as well as to express their own perspectives with clarity and logic. Throughout all Knox 英语 courses, students are taught to support their written and spoken arguments with convincing evidence. 培养学生坚强自律的头脑,是我们让学生为大学生活的严谨性以及他们在高等教育及以后将面临的挑战做好准备的最好方式.

英语 I (9): World Literature
英语I课程向学生展示了世界文学的概览和构成每次阅读的历史背景. Through the analysis of fiction and nonfiction texts, 诗歌和戏剧, as well as through grammar exercises and writing prompts, 学生对如何通过口头和书面文字传达他们的想法有了更深的理解. The course provides students with opportunities to improve their written communication skills, develop 至关重要的 thinking skills through reading and writing, 并学习研究性写作的适当机制,为大学学术做准备.

英语 II (10): American Literature
英语II侧重于美国作家的文学作品,这些作品关注美国历史上的关键事件. 诗, 戏剧, 论文, and 小说s directly correspond with lessons they learned in prior and future 历史 classes. The course encourages students to draw connections between fiction and history. Through the analysis of these texts and through grammar exercises and writing prompts, 学生对如何通过口头和书面文字传达他们的想法有了更深的理解. The course provides students with opportunities to improve their written communication skills, develop 至关重要的 thinking skills through reading and writing, 并学习研究性写作的适当机制,为大学学术做准备.

英语 III (11): Advanced Analysis of Fiction and Non-Fiction Texts
11年级的英语课程侧重于深入分析作家在小说和非小说文本中对文学元素的使用. Through the examination of these texts, 诗歌和戏剧, as well as through grammar exercises and writing prompts, 学生对如何通过口头和书面文字传达他们的想法有了更深的理解. The course provides students with opportunities to improve their written communication skills, develop 至关重要的 thinking skills through reading and writing, 学习研究性写作的适当机制,为大学学术和标准化考试做准备.

英语 IV (12): College Prep Literary Analysis
英语四课程让学生了解文学,为他们的大学生活做准备. Through the analysis of fiction and nonfiction texts, 诗歌和戏剧, as well as through grammar exercises and writing prompts, 学生对如何通过口头和书面文字传达他们的想法有了更深的理解. The course provides students with opportunities to improve their written communication skills, develop 至关重要的 thinking skills through reading and writing, 并学习研究性写作的适当机制,为大学学术做准备.

Graduate Capstone Project (12)
This course is designed to develop college-level writing skills with a focus on research. 学生将学会意识到并利用他人的观点来审视自己对感兴趣的话题的见解. 他们将练习做出有意识的选择,同时学习捍卫和证明他们的逻辑,并将跨学科的想法和概念联系起来. Students will choose and explore a topic, 问题, 或者在设计一项为期一年的研究来回答5年的研究问题时,个人兴趣的想法,字数不少于1000字.

Honors Designation (9-12)
Our Academic Program is College Preparatory; as such, all classes are taught at an accelerated pace. 愿意接受更具挑战性的教学大纲和评估过程的学生可以在个人基础上获得荣誉学分. These students will need to go through an approval process with the 教务长.

Advanced Language and Literature (10-11)
本课程将允许学生探索小说和非小说文本,他们可能会在大学先修课程或大一英语或文学课程中遇到. Emphasis will be placed on reading and interpreting the works and creating compelling, written arguments on a prominent theme in the selected literature for the course. 起草和修改过程也将被强调,以使学生为大学写作的严格性做好准备.

*AP 英语 Language and Composition (11-12)
AP英语语言与写作课程培养学生的阅读和写作技能,这是学生在大学取得成功和在智力上负责任的公民参与所需要的. The course guides students in becoming curious, 至关重要的, and responsive readers of diverse texts and becoming flexible, reflective writers of texts addressed to all audiences for various purposes. 在本课程中完成的阅读和写作将加深和扩展学生对书面语言如何在修辞上发挥作用的理解:传达作者的意图并引发读者在特定情况下的反应. (大学委员会, 2020) AP英语语言和写作的学生也将参与小组服务项目,这些项目源于课堂阅读中涵盖的各种主题.

*AP courses are offered based on student interest, 入学和讲师的可用性,并可根据管理部门的酌情决定进行更改.

*AP 英语 Literature and Composition (12)
AP英语文学与写作促进了学生对文学写作的投入, 或者翻译成, 英语. 这将涉及到对包括小说在内的各种类型的作品的仔细阅读和批判性分析, 戏剧, 诗歌为学生提供机会,培养他们欣赏文学反映和评论一系列经历的方式, 机构, and social 结构s. 学生将研究作者所做的选择和他们用来达到目的和产生意义的技巧. (大学委员会, 2020) AP英语文学和写作的学生也将参与小组服务项目,这些项目源于课堂阅读中涵盖的各种主题.

*AP courses are offered based on student interest, 入学和讲师的可用性,并可根据管理部门的酌情决定进行更改.

ENG101 Standard Freshman Composition (11-12)
This course explores principles of rhetoric and stresses effective expository writing. eng101主要是一门组织思想和通过使用特定信息来发展这些思想的课程. The course also deals with matters of style, 句子结构, paragraph development, punctuation and vocabulary, and introduces students to close reading of appropriate materials. Available for college credit through the Suffolk Community College Beacon Program.

ENG102 Introduction to Literature (12)
This course is an introduction to imaginative works of literature: the short story, 小说, 诗, 和戏剧. 通过对这些文学作品的深入分析,学生可以了解主要的文学主题和形式. 本课程继续训练有效的散文写作,并要求学生在思想和风格上表现成熟. Available for college credit through the Suffolk Community College Beacon Program.

Academic Writing (9-10)
本课程侧重于MLA技能,包括准备作品引用页面和合并文本引用. 学生练习和掌握必要的技能,写一篇适当的学术论文的动态主题. Practice includes analytical 论文, response papers and research papers. 本课程准备学生开始思考五段模式之外,并开始写更高级的文章,需要更高层次的思维和外部资源的检查.

College Writing and Presentation (11-12)
This course is designed to prepare students for the rigors of college writing. 学生将继续使用MLA格式,并通过关注格式和细节的发展来学习提高他们的写作技巧. A writing workshop-style of teaching is used, requiring students to complete multiple steps including peer and self-edits. 本课程为学生在大学里的公开演讲和演讲做准备, 并鼓励学生克服公开演讲的焦虑,培养强大的演讲技巧.

Storytelling and Memoir (9-12)
This course focuses on the craft of telling powerful, engaging, and entertaining stories. Students learn about story 结构, 文学的设备, and character building through a wide array of lessons and activities. Students inspect the works of master storytellers as models, and use them to inform their own writings. At the end of the year, students have a portfolio full of creative stories, 诗, personal narratives, 和更多的.

Survey of Shakespearean Literature (10-12)
This course focuses on the close analysis of Shakespearean literature including the tragedies, 历史, 和喜剧. Students learn how to deconstruct his language by examining his use of imagery, 重复, 诗歌的风格, 散文, 结构, 和更多的. 在整个课程中,我们还探讨了他的表演文本,包括独白和场景. Our culminating projects will be a mixed collection of performances, 书面作业, and even reviews of shows and adaptations of his 戏剧.

Honors Designation (9-12)
Our Academic Program is College Preparatory; as such, all classes are taught at an accelerated pace. 愿意接受更具挑战性的教学大纲和评估过程的学生可以在个人基础上获得荣誉学分. These students will need to go through an approval process with the 教务长.



M.A., Creative Writing & Non-Fiction – Southern New Hampshire University



英语 Department Chair & 老师


Ph.D.,英语- St. 约翰的大学
M.A.,英语- St. 约翰的大学
B.A.,英语- St. Joseph’s University

